🌹The Rose & Skull ☠️

Response 4A

Topic. Write a dialogue, speech, or soliloquy from the perspective of a character in The Stronger or Roman Fever to one or more of the characters in Hamlet.

This week’s responses are not posted in any particular order. There are so many good ones!


Play Your Cards Right

Mrs. X. [to Hamlet, while playing a game of cards]. You must beware friends who hold their cards close to their chests, dear Hamlet. I know too well the game these pretenders play. You must not let your emotions rule you; their interests lie with the court, not your heart. Though you may look at me and see my fanciful dress, underneath I have fashioned for myself a coat of armour most fortified. You raise the stakes, let them talk till their hands are revealed. Call a spade a spade, use it to dig their graves. Save your queen, play the king, the jokers should mean nothing of value to you. 


Balancing Ambition with Maternal Love 

Shortly after Claudius and Gertrude ask Hamlet to refrain from mourning and remain in Elsinore, Gertrude overhears Hamlet lamenting about her wickedly speedy marriage to Claudius. Distraught to learn of her son’s strong disapproval of her decision, she walks out on the castle’s ramparts to get some air and gain a broader perspective on life. The ghost of her old friend, Alida Slade, appears and offers her the following advice:

Dear Gertrude. Don’t despair over what your son thinks of you. All boys have a collective vision of Mothers as saint-like. He can’t possibly understand how difficult it is for you to not only lose your husband, but to lose your position as Queen. I would have made the same choice if I had the opportunity. You would have been bored living the life of a widow after having had such an important role in in the affairs of Denmark. Marrying Claudius is a small price to pay to continue to be relevant and to have all your faculties engaged.


MISS Y. [to Claudius, in Hell, while waiting for the trial for their sins]: Hello there, what are you here for? 

Claudius [with a deep sigh]: Well, I poisoned my brother to death, married his wife, and made his son die from poison, too. 

MISS Y. Jesus Christ! That’s a biggie. You might be sentenced to “the eternal suffering”. 

Claudius. Yeah probably... Although, I did have a guilty conscience so I might stand a chance of appeals. How about you? 

MISS Y. I just had a relationship with a married man, who clearly did not get along with his wife! . . .  


[Mrs. X about Claudius King of Denmark and Gertrude Queen of Denmark after their death’s] 

Poor fools blinded by a false and bloody love. 

The cruel intentions that buried them both. 

Hiding in lies they thought convincing;

secrets they thought concealed. 

But the king’s mist tells the truth,  

whispered in one’s trusted ear. 

And a son’s vengeance an unstoppable force, 

seeking justice at any cost. 

Claudius and Gertrude wrapped in desire unstoppable, 

like those of my dear husband and the unfavourable one. 

Daft of cheats and liars to think no one hurts in the wake. 

Those left with the shrapnel of such careless acts. 

I don’t wish to understand, yet I wish to know why. 


[Miss. Y, overhearing the instruction given to Guildenstern and Rosencrantz stops them on their way to Hamlet] 

Miss Y: How deep do the roots of betrayal go? As you make haste to lay traps for one who you call friend, you must look upon yourself, reflect beyond what the mirror sees. For you see, even though you are courtiers now, were you not friends of Hamlet first? Granted your work must be honest and requires loyalty to the crown, however, is blind loyalty not a fool’s errand. The suspicious nature of your task calls upon you to warn Hamlet, yet you choose to lay the snare that will rob him of his last breath. Remember, the chickens always come to roost


Train of Thoughts 

[Hamlet and Gertrude on the balcony, gazing at the darkness of the night, having little talks] 

Hamlet [to Gertrude] : you know, I have always respected you no matter what good or bad deeds have you supposedly done. But do you know who I respect more than you? It is the late king, whom you have forgotten and replace like he meant nothing. Not only you have tossed him aside, but worse, you replace him with that man, who stands no chance if you are to compare him to the late king. No matter how much you have betray me, even at the end of this conversation, you are still one of the most important person in my life. Mother. [Hamlet leave the balcony] 

[Gertrude only stares at the lonely dark sky] 


The Devil Is Part Of The Family

Hamlet [to Gertrude in the car]: Throughout the whole dinner, you avoided my questions about remarrying and replacing my father. It’s funny to me how you can’t even bring yourself to explain how you fell in love so easily with such an arrogant man.

[Gertrude opens her mouth to speak but remains silent]

Hamlet [to Gertrude]: I really don’t know what you see in him. He is the biggest scoundrel in town and not to mention a manipulator! [Scoffs] He probably doesn’t even genuinely love you. Everyone can see that he is only marrying you to have a higher rank and let alone to gain the title of King


Mrs. X to Gertrude. Mrs. X: Why don’t you sit down and chat with me? My dear queen Gertrude, really you must have thought it peculiar when your late husband’s brother began to court you? You must not have had a single thought at all, because here you are, married to the king’s brother. [She plucks a rose and throws it to the floor] And what of Hamlet? What is he to think of his mother for taking his kingship? He was the next of kin, the heir to the throne, but no more! You have betrayed your family by marrying into the family.


A Women's Word to Two Men

[PERSONS: MRS. X, lady. POLONIUS, councillor. CLAUDIUS, King.]

[Dark corridor. CLAUDIUS and POLONIUS enter dark hallway, sword in hand. MRS. X enters.]

CLAUDIUS. You walk at dusk, no place for a lady.

POLONIUS. Make hast, we wish no darkness upon you.

MRS.X. Monsters in the dark, like a flock of sheep, truly wolves in disguise.

CLAUDIUS. Bewildered by madness. Speak lies, I shed no blood.

MRS.X. Fool! Like a snake stalking its prey. Blood be shed, silver blade drawn. Truth be told.

[MRS.X. exits hastily.]

CLAUDIUS. Thy knows* our actions.   [* should be Thou knowst or knowest; thy is possessive]

POLONIUS. Death upon her?

CLAUDIUS. Make hast.

[CLAUDIUS exits POLONIUS holds the sword]


Mrs. X's thoughts on Hamlet: "Revenge is sweet, and betrayal is sour. He should take matters into his hands and confront and destroy the enemy. I hate traitors. I know the devil dresses in sheep's clothing. Defeat the sheep and protect what is yours".   


Mrs. X [to Hamlet from behind the arras] I confused the relationship I have in my life. There is no real friendship. I feel lonely. Who will understand my feelings...who should I talk to...My madness is the things that happen in my life are out of my control. I feel helpless. There are too many things that are uncertain I want to manipulate. I should take action and revenge. 

Mrs.X. I am going to shoot Miss Y.

Hamlet. I am going to kill Claudius. 


[Mme.X approaching Horatio after Act V Scene ii. i.e. the death of Hamlet and King Claudius.]

Mme. X: Oh, Horatio what a dreadful mess we find ourselves in! The wheels of justice do grind fine, though, I must say that at this moment they seem to have ground all at once! What calamity to be thrust in the heart of fate's cruel theatre. You must be wounded with grief, you poor soul! Are you cold? Would you like a cup of tea? I always preferred coffee myself, but you seem to me a man with a taste for teas. I’ll make you a cup, sit down. I won’t be taking no for an answer. Now you can finally wash down the taste of all of this bitterness. In the end it’s best to move on, my dear, you still have a joyful future waiting for you on the other side!


Mrs. X to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Mrs. X “Leave it up to a wolf to disguise themselves as friends to sheep. I know too well what it’s like to have someone you think is your friend, but they always have an alternative motive. That’s the problem with friends isn’t it dears? They wear all the draping’s of love for you yet have none but for themselves. A pity it is for you both. To live in the shadow of Hamlet. Yet even with all the snakes and ladders you play, Hamlet is one step ahead of the game.” 


The Garden of MISS Y. 

[Rosencrantz visits MISS Y’s home. MISS Y is watering her beautiful garden] 

MISS Y. Rosencrantz! To what do I owe the pleasure? 

Rosencrantz. Madam, I have been enlightened that you are able to let a woman express her deepest thoughts without saying a word. It is to my admiration the strength you hold. How shall I do the same to my peculiar friend? 

MISS Y. Strength? I would not say. But since you have already paid a visit, I shall offer some wisdom. [MISS Y picks a red apple from her apple tree and slowly walks closer to Rosencrantz] A free visitation of your warm friendship is best, with sweet exchange of gestures and words. Be genuine, make meaningful conversations, and.. [MISS Y grabs Rosencrantz hands and gently gives him the apple] the moment you want your friend to reveal their deepest desires, slither the question “What is your greatest ambition?” 

[Rosencrantz takes a bite of the red apple] 


Amèlia to Gertrude

I am not good with words, Gertrude; I prefer the golden silence. But today, I have to break that shiny façade. I cannot stand the way you are with men. Why do you allow yourself to be a plaything in the court; tossed around from one to another? Love is not about having, it is about giving; and you cannot give what you do not have. Love yourself! I once loved a taken man, but I have not allowed myself to be seduced. Here, have a drink. Savor the peace and quiet of solitude. Just don’t choke on that drink!


Suicidal Dream

MISS Y [enters, sits down at the round table across from Ophelia] Have you not a clue of your surroundings?

OPHELIA [furls eyebrows and cocks her head] Hm?

MISS Y [rolls her eyes] They warned me of your madness. [lifts her hand to take a sip from an empty glass, then gently sets it down realizing it is in fact, empty]

[OPHELIA tips her glass towards her, peering inside, then glancing back to MISS Y] 

MISS Y [sighs] You see, [pause] Ophelia, is it? They must figure we are alike, though I couldn’t tell you how. You seem rather naive, and I, distinguished. I prefer not to speak my mind much, but this seems like a time when it’s needed. 

[OPHELIA furrows her brows once again in confusion] 

MISS Y [twirls her glass] We both seem to have arrived here in the same means of death. You, drowning, I.. Well.. A different sort of drowning. But, alas, we both are here, victims of suicide. Tell me Ophelia, were you at least the stronger one in your life?


There Are No Tulips 

MRS. X [to Queen]: Look at him go. Your son now has a burden of his father’s death and you a so-called mother. My bad, you are still his one and only, don’t worry. But I wonder if Hamlet would agree. I can’t see what’s so charming about your new love—or should I say your new game? If acquiescence and ignorance are your way of protecting, I sure hope Hamlet would appreciate it as much as I’m impressed by your naiveness. I thought you were clever, but you were just powerless, aimless, who needs something to hang on to keep one’s crown! 


MRS. SLADE, to QUEEN: Did you truly love him? Never mind, don’t answer that. It’s only that I envy your ability to move past your grief. For me, it isn’t just grief. I loved my husband, and over the span of our marriage, my identity became defined by being his wife. Things are so vastly different now. Perhaps you cannot relate; You are still the Queen, and I… 

[MRS. SLADE laughs humourlessly, shaking her head]

MRS. SLADE: I don’t know who I am anymore. A widow, a mother. A good friend, for the most part. I just don’t know anymore.


My dear boy Reynaldo (Soliloquy of  Mrs. X)

Oh Reynaldo, why are you being so naïve to the sneaky tongue of Claudius. Can’t you see that he is tricking you to do his bidding, to turn your back on friendship, trust and loyalty? I would never have someone else do what I could do myself, after all I took charge in my life and captured the man of my dreams, Miss Y couldn’t do that. Reynaldo, why can’t you be like me and see the truth that is right in front of you….there’s no room for ignorance….but wait!!!  



[Mrs. X and Hamlet are sitting at a cafe downtown, talking over a pot of tea]

Mrs. X: She just has no shame! Mrs. Y, I swear that woman has heart eyes for my husband! I mean, why wouldn’t she? She is very lonely… [she takes a noisy sip of her tea] 

Hamlet: Mrs. Y and my mother are of the same caliber! I bet they would be great friends, just like you and I, wouldn’t they! 

[Mrs. Y and Hamlet laugh loudly together, disturbing the tables next to them] 


Broken Promises 

MISS Y. [walking in the forest. Trying to find a spot to sit.] why did Bob choose her over me? How is that possible?

 [MISS Y hears sobs and starts walking toward the sound.] 

Ophelia. [crying by the river, on her knees.] Oh god. What is this misfortunate event that has happened to me? 

MISS Y. [walks closer to Ophelia] Hello dear. What is it that you’re so gloomy about?

[MISS Y sits beside Ophelia by the river.]

Ophelia. [sobs] Oh ma’am! My life is an unfortunate! My dearest refused our love. My beloved said that he loves me! But he- but he left me.

MISS Y. [patting on Ophelia’s back. Tears falling from her eyes.] Oh dear, you are not alone. I feel your pain. My beloved also left me and chose another woman. He gave me promises that were all left broken, just like my heart.

Ophelia. [sobs and grips on her dress] but dear. [looks at MISS Y] you cannot believe what my dearest did!

MISS Y. [looks back] what did he do my dear?

Ophelia. [sobs and covers her face with her hands] My beloved, he killed- [hesitates] he killed my father! My darling killed my dear father. Oh god! What should I do? What can I do? I do not wish to live any longer!

MISS Y. [shocked and speechless] that must be a joke! Are you sure of that?

[Tears falling as Ophelia starts singing and crawling toward the river.]


Catch the lie (Mrs. Ansley to Hamlet)

Mrs. Ansley: Let them say what they want, they can talk themselves to death if they wish. I know you are angry with them, but knowing the truth is a powerful thing. I have always been one for quiet contemplation. The people who are loud and expose their bluffs are foolish. You must be thoughtful, and precise. Let them underestimate you, confess to you. And then expose the truth when it feels just right. 

Hamlet: I will tell my father’s story to discover if it be true. The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King. 

Mrs. Ansley: Good luck! 


Type of Friend

Mrs. X [ to Hamlet]: I understand that you are skeptical of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. I have one friend, Miss. Y. Maybe it’s better to say acquaintance because we are not that close, you know, not a real friend. She is an obstacle in my marriage life. So here is my advice. I know you do well so far, though. Don’t let them do what they want to. Find what they want and use them for you. They will definitely pay the piper. You have a true friend, Horatio. You don’t need too many, but only one is enough to go with life together. 


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